I headed for the nearest open area which happens to be a small park four blocks from my home that has a decent size field next to it that is used for an ice skating rink in the winter. It was shortly after 11:30pm by the time I got there and set up my camera.
Now as cities go I would say ours is a pretty safe city, although even so it probably isn't the greatest idea for a woman to be out in the middle of a park at eleven pm all by herself. So to say the least I was a bit on the nervous side, more so for my brand new camera than for myself.
But all went very well, I got the photographs I was trying to get and I didn't get into any trouble.
Hooking up with:
jeepers! please don't make a habit of this!!! but these are beautiful.
The photos are great, but don't make me worry about you out there late at night.
Great captures of the threatening sky!
I love the drama in these skies. you've captured some magnificent lightening and clouds, and that isn't easy to do. it has been so hot and humid here too. your uneasiness being in the park alone is something I recently dealt with myself. I went for a hike yesterday and today too - in a very very remote spot. the first half of the 3 hour hike yesterday I was so uneasy, with the sound of every little pine cone dropping from the trees to the rustle of leaves. By the time I was half-way through the trail I was so hot and uncomfortable with the 93 degree temps and the 73 degree dewpoint that I simply stopped caring and only wanted to reach the end of the trail! On today's hike I was uneasy too - although I had my cell phone with me, the area is so remote it just spooked me. I don't like feeling that way at all, so I know precisely what you mean by the 11:00 p.m. dark park incident. I just don't know what the answer is, because I really enjoy hiking alone. maybe I need to learn self-defense, or get a dog. but animals weren't allowed on the trails in this state park. anyway, it isn't a pleasant thing to be fearful, but I suppose it protects us in some ways too. have a great day, and thanks for visiting my blog, I truly appreciate it. yours is lovely!
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